Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Liepaja - Fontain Palace and Beach and Exit Festival

We got to the beach after a couple of hours on the bus, with a few guys who looked like traveller's but for some reason we didnt bother communicating with them. when we got off the bus we decided to walk and saw all the others who were on teh bus get on a tram and go past us, we were intending to camp and they were all hostelling so we thought nothing of it. 15 minutes walk later, walking alongside the tramlines we get to the T&I and find that the campsite is miles out of town and that there is a hostel really close to the beach. we go to the hostel and find the 5 peeps on the bus were infact there already.
we settled in, it was a really family feeling hostel, partly due to teh 5 year old, pregnatnt woman and ridiculous puppy called Bingo who loved to knaw at everything. we had a barbeque with everyone and after a few hours drinking and chatting we decided to head to the club called Fontaine Palace that everyone had recommended which the amzingly peng T&I woman had told us it was 'striptease' and Jonathan the 'Chileano' worker at our hostel was like 'u have to come today man, its sexy tuesdays', what was weirdest of all was that fit hostel girl really wanted to go too. whilst we were going, a bloke called Simon or 'the guy inside' was wooing some Latvia girl who he had met on the bus back to our dorm, i was lucky enough to be changing as they came back, Siumon went off to the toilet and his girl watched me, and even introduced herself to me as i dropped trou, changed tshirst etc, 'where are u from?' 'England' 'oh i thought u were from America' 'what cos of my pants' (i was wearing my star spangled banner boxers)...
anywho we all hit the club, me, pierre, chileano , fit hostel girl, her friend, australian guy (as we called him), mel (very annoying australian girl) some english guy (whos gf was sick in bed) american guy with dreds and a canadian, overall a very varied group. when we got in we saw that teh sage was infact set for a striptease. Jonathan told us to put our jackets on teh seats which he classed a the best ones. in a bit teh striptease started and we were entertained with three or four good performances from the in house strippers. at intervals we stopped to dance and got dancing with hostelgirl and her friend, well they got dancing with me, then the strippers started again, australian guy had an excellent chair and got all the lapdances as did the english bloke with me heckling him saying 'i'm gonna tell ur giiiiiiiirlfriend' but he just replied, 'no i got to tell her, besides she just get jealous and i'll get really good sex' fair play. after some more dancing with hostel girl the next session started i sat in australian guy's seat and got talking to some wasted russians. after a while one stripper started off dressed as a secretary gave me a littlke lapdance, put her feather boa over my head a gave me a kiss on teh forehead, later on she came back, and thrust my head into her tits and wriggled them about in my face, all i remmeber is har nipples and shouts of 'motorboat!' from the canadian guy sitting next to me. afterwards she released my head grabbed my hands and p;laced them on her tits and let me give them a squeeze. overall a nice experience, (fuckin awesome actually) after that i had a massive grinon my face for teh whole evening, pierre said he's never seen me so happy. after this i wnet back to dance with hostelgirl and friend but hostel girl had started dancing with american guy with dreads (who actually lived in the fontaine complex and dj'd in the club) so i went for the less attractive friend. american guy was like 'u stink of tits man' after some more dancing with the friend i triued it on with some girl who was actually just dancing with me to make her bf jealous. australian guy was giving me looks of disapointment, 'uve messed up man' in relation to teh friend but i got it back, i walked hostel girls friend home and we ended up getting off astride a cannon, then she tolfd me she had a boyfriend, but then much to my at first amusement and then frustration found it a really hard decision whether or not to sleep with me, it ended up negative. Pierre meanwhile was getting off with the most annoying girl you will probably ever meet, when i was leaving she was like 'i feel so sorry for him, he's so young and so beautiful' i feel sorry for him too....

next day wake up, eat munch, go to the beach with australian guy and chillax, last night was cool and i still thinking about titties (well i always thing about titties but still). the beach was cool, it was my first real swim in the baltic proper as the beach in Parnu was actually in the 'Bay of Riga' which is a lot more shallow and less rough, fuckin chilly though. we found a bar to watch the portugal game that eveing and then had some more much back at the hostel, portugal of course cruised to an easy 3-1 win over the highgly regarded yet highly shit Czech team. later we went to Fontain again, this time the clubnight was called BIG FUCK DAY so naturally we had to check it out. as i gopt inb the bouncer who the night before had told me he used to know seven sisters was like 'hey english guy! there is another nglish guy over there.' i went over to talk to him and bit turns out he was here on business we talked about uni and his daughter who is very proud of and her AS-levels and stuff, he invited me to his business meeting the next day in which he was buying 200 million euros of steel, and then he offered me a job buying and sellin startin salary of 50k a year! i was drunk and shocked, naturally, but even if i as sober and he was sober, and the offer was for real, real, i think there was a certain validity in his offer - he seemd like that kind of guy after all - i would haver rejected it,and did, cos i've got my life set out ahead of me and i dont want to enter the world of commercialism, buyinmg and selling goods, fuck that, i'm young i wanna have a good time, i wanna go to uni and party (and study). Some argentinian man came up to me and told me that he had seen me in Tallin, 'are u potuguese? u look like Eusebio!' i guess its better than Rooney, kinda. later we got dancing with some local girls and went outside and had a chat with some local girls, they asked me how old i am, and i was like, as i usually do, 'have a guess!' 'erm... 19?' 'ok... cool... er.. thats cool, yeh i'm 19... how old are u?' (if ur wondering why i replied like this and u havnt read anything else its cos mostly - to my pleasure - poeple go 'i dunno, 22, 24 maybe') she was 17 and all her mates were, 17 is a good age and she was pretty but she was only chatting to me to improve her english, the girl i was dancing with inside was apparently asking after me while i was outside muching a pizza, but it turned out she only liked my dance moves. anyways we got the numbers of the girls and half arranged to meet up with them on the beach the next day.

obviously next day the weather was terrible so we couldnt go to the beach, we instead spent the day in the hostel, when the weather cleared up i went to have a look at the town and take a few snaps. in teh evening we went to watch teh football and buff hostel girl came with us, i think the game was croatia germany which was quite good. that night pierre had an early one but me, hostel girl and chileano went to Fontaine again, but it was shit, well actually thats a bit harsh, there was some Ukrainian band that were playing some cool music and some jazz/blues musician from new zealand who seemingly loved to play with this guitarist who american guy with dreds, who also turned up, told me was apparently some sort of latvian superstar. after american guy with dreds turned up hostel girl left, they had had some akward moment a couple of nights before involving a stripper interupting their backstage love making session a before it had actually began. after the bands hd finished he put on some latin music that Chileano loved but there were still too few people to keep me there, even if the owner was giving us free Latvian champagne...

next mroning i woke up a bit later than usual to fuind pierre downstairs on the computer, as i was finishing of my cheese and tomato toasties, pierre goes to me 'tickets for exit are still available' 'yeah?' 'shall we book them?' 'err, ok then' 15 minutes later we had tickets, the rest of that morning was spent organising our 24 dash to exit, but as we were going to that part of teh world, might as well visit some places (poland, ukraine, moldova, romania, bulgaria) so big rush, we went into town then spent the rest of the day on the beach, we watched the Latvian women's basketball team qualify for the olympics with hostel girl, friend and pregnant woman and later watched France get demolished by Holland. we tried to go tofonataine again as it was friday and would of probably been the best day to go but none of the ATMs accepted the nationwide card and even though i had 3 lats, enough to get in, i realised I had left my wallet at the hostel. possibly teh best night and i missed out. i really wanted to make it 4 nights in a row as well. there were two other clubs in Liepaja, and supposed to be good ones too but i just never got round to them, maybe next time.

Finally, on staurday morning, we left, despite Chileanos plees to party in Palanga 'Simon, man, he has an apartment, and he says we got on sattuday to party in Palanga'. i didnt really know where that was so we went to Klaipeda as planned.

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