Monday, June 30, 2008

Baltic Reflections

The baltic reason was always a place that i wanted to see properly and not really need to go to again, we got there on the 27th May and left on the 20th of June so 24 days for 3 of the smallest countries in teh world is more than enough i thought.

Estonia was a good place to go to after russia and scandinavia cos it seemed to me like the best off of the entire baltic, Tallinn was so small though and we spent too long there. It was also where we experienced the worst effect of stag-dos. Parnu was wicked, it was so relaxed so chilled out and it was almost a good thing to have 4 days without clubbing - didnt think i'd ever say that...

Latvia was really good, it had an excellent vibe to it, wasnt that cheap, cos of teh ridculous strength of the Lat combined with the 17% rate of inflation, we stayed with really cool guys in Riga, that showed us the best things to do, and best places to go. it was really nice to get into teh country as well, up into the forest. Liepaja as well was really edgy and wicked, always good to get to the beach as well.

Lithunia on the otherhand was rewally disappointing. The women were no way near as good looking as there baltic counterparts and teh supposedly 'cheeky' nature of the Lithuanians was never really apparent. As an example the funniest thing that happened in Vilnius was Pierre thinking Snoop's 'Sexual Eruption' was in fact 'Sexual Reduction'. the most fun we had was in Kaunas, probably cos we were staying with an Italian who loved to party, but even that had a downer put on it cos of Portugal getting knocked out of the Euros.

Over all it was cool i guess, however not overwhelmingly so.

MATT: 12 pulls, 1 bang, 1 gf
PIERRE: 9 pulls, 2 bangs.

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