Thursday, March 27, 2008

Jokes story i remembered

just a breif one but i'd thought i'd put it up for jokes sake, seeing as pierre reminded me of it the other day...

just after St Paddys we all got back to the hostel quite drunk to get some kip, i went to teh bathroom to brush my teeth and theres this small chinese girl/woman getting ready for bed too. For some reason i bust out the french and go 'parlez-vous francais?' she nods or acknowledges or summit, then leaves the room and comes back with her towel to go and have a shower, 'pour quoi vous-allez a la douche?' no answer, again 'pour-quoi vous-allez al douche?' no answer again, so i go back to brushing my teeth. i leave and then get my water to bottle to filll it up in the water cooler which is also in the bathroom. this girl finishes her shower sticks her head out and i'm still there! (i had gone and come back, but foir all she knew...) so she waits in her cubicle till i go to my room.

next morning i wake up and go and meet pierre for some breakfast, as i open the door the same girl walks past, i let out a little titter she looks around and with a look of horror doubles, NAY TREBLES her pace and swifly walks away. i dont see her that whole day. later that day as we were leaving to go to dali, i walk out and see her reading a book, she looks up and see's me, then covers her face with the book and, after i walk past, goes back to reading normally...

its funny what how scary a drunken, 100kg, mixed race guy, speaking french can really be.

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